The musical tradition of Zefat is unique as it combines Eastern European music influenced by Middle Eastern rhythms and tones.
The Kleyzmer music brought to Zefat by the Ashkenasim, was influenced by their Sepharadi neighbors and by the Druze in the area and this cultural meeting created a totally new effect by synthesizing Western and Eastern music. The music is indeed unique and quite unlike regular Kleyzmer music, which tends to whine and expresses sadness and longing, the music of Zefat is wholly joyous and happy.
It is not only real Jewish music but it is the first true Israeli grass roots music. This music was preserved by the Silberman family of Zefat. The Silbermans are an old Zefat family having lived in the city since the middle of the 16 century. The Silbermans who have always been known for their musical talents and charisma served as chief rabbis and leaders of the community until very recently.
Many of the melodies were preserved by Rabbi Berl Silberman (son of Rabbi Avraham Leib Silberman), who located, identified and marked for posterity, the tombs of the ancient talmudic sages (Tanaim and Amoraim). Rabbi Berl Silberman was the living spirit of all the celebrations and festivities of Zefat particularly the Lag BaOmer festival which took place in Har Meron, at the site of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai’s tomb, where he would dance non stop for 24 hours!. He continued in all these endeavors until his death in 1957.
Dov Silberman, grandson of Rabbi Berl Silberman has faithfully recreated the traditional sounds of Zefat. The melodies, incorporated in several CDs, are melodies which have been in the family for several generations. These were the music of Zefat on all its festive occasions. The musicians are Dov Silberman (Clarinet) and Itta Silberman (Accordion). They are not only naturally musical but both have formal musical education. Itta studied at Julliard College in NYC and Dov has studied at the Rubin Music Academy of Jerusalem.
During the annual Kleyzmer festival which takes place in Zefat the Silbermans drew record crowds and are the definite hit of each year’s festival. Many people who have heard them play have stated that they are truly the last of the authentic Kleyzmers and their music pristine.
Several CDs were recorded under the name Zefat Shall Suddenly be Rebuilt (צפת פתאום תבנה ) which is an acronym of the Hebrew letters coined by Rabbi Israel of Sklov after the 1837 earthquake in Zefat.

איטה ודב זילברמן פסטיבל הכלייזמרים בצפת – אוגוסט 2016

יעקב פדהצור עם איטה ודב זילברמן פסטיבל הכלייזמרים בצפת, אוגוסט 2016
Listen to Kleyzmer Music by Zefat Shall Suddenly be Rebuilt
Medley of Simchat Tora Tunes (Hakafot)